Monday, November 8, 2010

Shambavi Mudra, Why Do We Gaze at the Eyebrow Center?

After teaching at the mandir last week a student came up and asked, "Why do we gaze at the space in between the eyebrows when we chant Aum and during certain asana?"  So, I defer to the great Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Chapter 4 verses 36-38.

With internalized (one-pointed) awareness and external gaze unblinking, that verily is Shambhavi mudra, preserved in the Vedas.(36)

If the yogi remains with the chitta and prana absorbed in the internal gaze motionless, though looking, he is not seeing, it is indeed shambhavi mudra.  When it is given by the guru's blessing, the state of shoonyashoonya arises.  That is the real state of Shiva (consciousness).(37)

Shambhavi and kechari states, though there is a difference in the place of concentration or influence, both bring about ecstasy, absorption in void, in the experience of chit shukha or the pleasure of consciousness.(38)

Regular practice of Shambhavi is reputed to strengthen and stop the degeneration of the pineal gland, and because of this it is recommended for children eight onward to help with emotional development (under competent guidance of course).  When practiced, the calming effect is evident as it help to relieve mental strain and emotional stress.  It develops concentration and when taught by your Guruji, as said in the quote, can lead to the state of Shiva.

In Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha  it says:

Shambhavi is the wife or consort of Shambhu and both are aspects of Shakti and Lord Shiva.  According to the tradition, Shambhu taught Shambhavi the practice of shambhavi mudra as a means of attaining higher awareness.  It is said that practicing this mudra will stir Shambhu and make him appear, meaning that it will induce higher states of consciousness within the practitioner.  The practice is also known as bhrumadhya drishti; bhru means 'eyebrow center' and drishti means 'gazing', hence this is the practice of eyebrow center gazing.

Jay Shiv Shakti


  1. Hi.
    I Read the above blog and was intersting.The Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings, and is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj," meaning "to control," "to yoke" or "to unite."[12] Translations include "joining," "uniting," "union," "conjunction," and "means." Outside India, the term yoga is typically associated with Hatha Yoga and its asanas (postures) or as a form of exercise. Someone who practices yoga or follows the yoga philosophy is called a yogi or yogini.But to learn more yoga steps i will recomment you yoga

  2. Thank you for comment on what Hatha Yoga is. It is important to understand that it is more than practice of physical exercise that one often sees in the west. I have put up posts similar to what you have said under what is Hatha Yoga, and what is Yoga.

    Jay Shiv Shakti!

  3. Studies have shown that yoga exercises help improve bad posture. Posture is an important dimension in staying healthy throughout life. The spine is the central channel of the nervous system, so when your spine is healthy, pathways of the nervous system are strong and clear and vital energy flows more freely. Correcting posture imbalances will also help to prevent and relieve chronic back pain.
